An Enemy Within

4/20/2015 Shayoni Majumder 1 Comments

Enemy Within
Ego says, Once everything falls into place, I'll feel peace." Spirit says, "Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place."
There is restlessness, commotion, and noise everywhere out there. There is a state of confusion and we are plunging more and more into meaningless thoughts.

Among everything, ego is our worst enemy. Many of us think that it is something to be proud about and it is good to keep it. Although it gives us the feeling of superiority, but also makes us alone.

Love, gratitude and the ability to apologize solves most of the greatest problems in our lives and clears many misunderstandings. But ego comes in between the way. It doesn't let us bow in front of anybody.

Thus we cannot feel peace and hence, there is restlessness, commotion, and noise inside us. Ego kills us from inside. It is a parasite which grows in us and destroys us.

So, let it go and grow yourself.

Ego says, Once everything falls into place, I'll feel peace." Spirit says, "Find your peace, and then everything will fal...


Femininity: Weakness or Power

3/08/2015 Shayoni Majumder 0 Comments

Women are rivers. She flows at her most beautiful form when untamed, unhindered and when messed with it, she may bring flood. She gives life, also she brings life to others' lives. She is like a rose, beautiful and soft but with thorns. She may look too simple but her heart may be full of complications. Her lips may smile but she may carry an unbearable pain of sadness in her eyes.

She can leave her share of happiness for others. She bears drastic pain to bring life in this world. She can carries the happiness, misery, comforts, discomforts, compliments and complaints of her family. She craves for love, but when doesn't get the love she deserves, she silently cries the whole night, and the next day no one can know this.

She is a human being who has the right to live freely, think freely. She deserves to be respected, so don't look down upon her. She is not the weaker sex, she is just the other sex, for it takes great deal of strength to be a woman.

Women are rivers. She flows at her most beautiful form when untamed, unhindered and when messed with it, she may bring flood. She giv...


Be Kind, not a Fool

3/06/2015 Shayoni Majumder 0 Comments

This world is choking, destroying, and corroding from inside. We strongly need humanity to make this world a beautiful place to live. Because what makes us see beauty is what's inside us. We should be kind, helping, forgiving. But in all these we must never close our eyes and not see that someone deserves our kindness or not.

We all know that straight trees are cut first. Forgiveness and kindness is a very big ability to keep, but people easily confuse it with foolishness. When people get to know the softness of your heart, they sometimes intend to misuse it.

Therefore, don't be blind and keep the ability to understand that who deserves your kindness. Don't let people confuse your kindness and acceptance with you being a doormat.

This world is choking, destroying, and corroding from inside. We strongly need humanity to make this world a beautiful place to live. B...


Let it Go

2/06/2015 Shayoni Majumder 2 Comments

Life is a series of achievements and losses. Among all these we all want to achieve happiness, a true one. But what restrains us from achieving it is none other than ourselves. It is a bitter truth of our lives, whether accept it or not, we ourselves prevent us to be happy. Because of our own selves we limit us to live our life fully and to fulfill our dreams.

We are so much lost in thoughts of what we have lost that we are not able to see what's right in front of us. How can we live in the present when we are holding back the past. When we are thinking about something or someone we lost, or something we cannot get, or in the sorrow of a defeat, we are losing nothing but ourselves and our precious time. All these insecurities, jealousy, negativity, stubbornness, expectations just destroys us.

So why make the life more and more complicated. To enjoy what's in the present we must know to let go off the past, the things which cannot be ours, the persons who are not meant to be in our lives. We are human beings, we cannot completely forget all these, but what we must know is letting go.

Just remember there's nothing like perfect life, we don't always get what we want. Don't depend on others for your own happiness. Fall in love yourself first and see how beautiful life actually is.

Life is a series of achievements and losses. Among all these we all want to achieve happiness, a true one. But what restrains us from ac...