
9/30/2010 Shayoni Majumder 1 Comments

All of us know that the world is covered with crowd of people, but this doesn't means that we couldn't be alone. Many a times we feel alone even in this heavy crowd of people. This brings us Solitude.

Sometimes we need this because we want an absolute silence, a vacuum to think over on some matter which we cannot do when we're having people around. This solitude gives us a space in which we are apart from the crowd and helps us to concentrate on those matters which need importance in our life. That's why our mind need this void to let it refresh. It does the work of fueling it up which tends to get exhausted in the course of daily routines of life.

But sometimes this solitude is unwanted, it comes without any warning and sometimes unnoticed by us. This brings us abominable lull. This silence seem to break us, our mind, our strength. In this situation we become a fish out of water, trying to get out of the situation.

But the fact is everything depends on us, on the way we think. If we think that we are alone then nobody can help us to pull out of the situation. But if we think that we cannot be alone in any way then who the hell has the dare to make us feel alone???

All of us know that the world is covered with crowd of people, but this doesn't means that we couldn't be alone. Many a times we fee...


The Dawn Light

9/27/2010 Shayoni Majumder 1 Comments

I am here neither to talk about any physical phenomena regarding light nor any geographical phenomena regarding the change of day or night. I will just share my thoughts on how I consider the light...not an ordinary one...a special one - the Dawn Light.

The dawn light carries very special meaning to me. It is a very good source of inspiration in the very beginning of the day. Only one has to change the point of view and one can feel encouraged. It comes through the darkness, breaking the darkness of the devil dark, welcoming the dawn. It is not just a very beautiful sight to see but also a far more beautiful moment to feel.

We are not the only ones who feel the freshness of the fresh light but the nature too likes it and expresses her joy by blowing the fresh breeze which enhance our ectacy.

Really, god has made such arrangements for all of us such that we can feel inspired from this special light and can start our day-to-day life. It inspires us to fight with all our snags and to make our life smooth through all the instabilities. Remember

A small ray of sunlight is enough to break the whole darkness of the night...

I am here neither to talk about any physical phenomena regarding light nor any geographical phenomena regarding the change of day or ...


Imagination...a Power Beyond Imagination

9/26/2010 Shayoni Majumder 0 Comments

First of all I would like to ask you to think of a world in which nobody has ever imagined anything...think. Knowingly or unknowingly you are also imagining something. Yeah...this is imagination. There are some things in this world which is not possible to define exactly what is it, and imagination is one of the terms. If it has, I am not able to imagine it now.

If you have imagined that kind of world...can you see anything around, which is like that of today's world. Like you all I am also trying to imagine that kinda world. And I do not see anything, just humans and animals roaming here and there and doing nothing, because to do something, one has to even imagine how to start it. I think in this way, all the species would have to end very soon.

So you can imagine how the world will be without imagination...

Think if the human beings never imagined of anything and any development weren't there, the conclusions would be like, fire, electricity, etc. never invented because I can see that world (which I have mentioned above) in which Faraday is sitting ideally, Newton is sleeping under the Apple tree looking at the falling apples as everybody looks at it and so on...

So what are you all waiting for???

Do the simple mental exercise of imagining about something every moment...once you will start it, you will do it as long as that time which is beyond your imagination...

First of all I would like to ask you to think of a world in which nobody has ever imagined anything...think. Knowingly or unknowingly you...



9/01/2010 Shayoni Majumder 0 Comments

A very bitter reality of human behavior is prejudice, the act of forming an unfavourable opinion without knowing the actuality.

It is the general tendency of we human beings to judge by one's outer appearance, or by learning the opinions formed by others. But god has given all of us our wit and will power, so that we can judge everything and we don't have to depend upon others to let them or their thoughts dominate on us. But we humans are so much lazy that we don't want to unwrap these two precious god gifts.

This prejudice can let one miss the opportunity to know about someone about whom he deserves to know. Sometimes before knowing someone we form a wrong opinion about him and do not come in contact with him. So we  miss a golden chance to know something new, new thoughts, and many other new things.

Another effect of this prejudice is that it hurts that person about whom the wrong impression is being formed. The person sometimes feel cut-off from everyone. So

One should always think over again and again before forming an impression about anybody.

A very bitter reality of human behavior is prejudice, the act of forming an unfavourable opinion without knowing the actuality. It is the...