We human have the general tendency to be unique in some way. Some show this tendency and some do not. But we are not alone in this world. All want to attain some unique position, but it is not possible for everybody. So there is a heavy competition in every field of life. There is some sort of race everywhere and every in moment of life.But is this tendency of competition good for us? What can this competitive nature lead us to?Competition is both good and bad for us. It is good because it helps us to move forward in our life. It provides with internal growth.
Iron on beating only attain a specific desired shape.
It helps us to grow our experiences, because it shows us many ups and downs of life. We face difficulties, and try to get out of this. Int this we we grow our skills too.Now let me focus on the other aspect too. Competition is good for us upto some specific extent. But when the desire to gain more and more grows, our competitive nature also grows. We become more and more ferocious. The tendency destruction grows more than that of creation. We do anything to achieve a particular position that we want. Ultimately this leads us to destruction.
Hence, all I can say is
Be competitive, but by remaining in the limits of