I have Everything, but Nothing

3/18/2014 Shayoni Majumder 0 Comments

Sometimes I wish I was a bird, flying in the midst of an ocean, gliding through the clouds, sitting on the top of a really high tree.

Many people are lucky enough to get a roof on their head, food to fill their stomach and clothes to cover themselves up. Those have everything they actually need to live. But there is something more that we need, we need progress, both for the society and for ourselves. For this we struggle, we work hard, we do everything that keeps us get going, that lifts us up.

But in all these we sometimes lose a very important thing, actually a precious feeling from our life. We lose our freedom, we forget what being free is like. We actually know that something is lacking in our life, something is lacking in the ingredients  for complete happiness. That void is unseen but can be felt. We feel like being in deep water, not able to breath, we choke, but we continue to do things for progress.

We forget the moving air that smoothly touches us, the fresh air that fills our lungs, the beautiful sunset that overwhelms us, the love of our mother, the precious moments with our lover. We forget the time in which we think about us and others, in which we grow our inner self. We forget to smile, we forget our own laugh, we forget ourselves.

Progress is good for us, actually necessary as a human being, but never let freedom move out of your life. Keep the freedom in your heart and let it flourish.

Sometimes I wish I was a bird, flying in the midst of an ocean, gliding through the clouds, sitting on the top of a really high tree. ...