Finding Motivation in the Face of Negativity

7/08/2017 Shayoni Majumder 0 Comments

Finding Motivation in the Face of Negativity

Life is full of up and downs. At times happiness surrounds you and at other times you struggle to get out of your hardships like there is no end to it. You feel like choking in the smoke of negativity and slowly losing all your hopes. As you go through this phase, you may be so much saturated with negative thoughts that you may accept the situation as a way of life.

It is a fact that you cannot change what the situations are, but you can change your attitude towards it. By building small bits of positivity around you just like small drops of water builds an ocean, you can cope through the situation and may ultimately find any solution to beat it.

Never let your hope die. This is rather easy to say but hope is the only light in the darkness and mist of negativity and hardships. You cannot let the light go off. Remember that there is no such thing as darkness, it is only the absence of light. Just like that, hope keeps your soul alive.

There will be things in your control and things that will not be. Try to learn the difference. Don’t cry over spilt milk. Do not worry on things which cannot possibly change. These kinds of situation makes a human being think it over and over, making him or her entangled and unable to make some progress. Things may not always turn out to suit your best, but sooner you get over it, the quicker you will be able to take your next step.

Choose your company wisely. Live in the presence of people who lift you up and stay with you in your hard times. A nice and motivating company in these situations can change your attitude towards negativity to a great deal. You feel like you are not alone, because loneliness only makes you worse. Along with nice people, find nice books to read and listen to positive things. When you read uplifting and inspiring articles you feel motivated.

In the road of life you may have done several mistakes. It is all right to do it being a human. But it is the act of a foolish human being to repeat his or her mistakes. Mistakes are for learning, not repeating. Also mistakes give you more lessons than success. Observe yourself and think what to do so as to not get to the wrong path where you previously went. Now that you know the path, tackle the situation differently.

When you struggle, you will find victories, small or big. Celebrate every one of it because you deserve to be rewarded. Celebration cheers and boosts you up, thus making you ready and charged for the journey ahead.

Life is full of up and downs. At times happiness surrounds you and at other times you struggle to get out of your hardships like the...