Our life is a mixture of many moments, some we want to remember forever, and some we want to forget forever. The moments can be big or small, even for fraction of seconds.
Moments are I think the smallest unit of the big life. A moment can change the whole path of your life. A decision taken in even a small moment can change everything. Like small drops of water make a huge ocean, your ocean of life is also composed of these small drops of moments.
Some moments are so joyous that we want to preserve it like a precious pearl in the shell of our mind because they are very delicate. A moment of joy can make our whole life joyful just like a small duration of drizzle can make a dieing plant alive. These small moments of joy can keep many people alive, that is, people who are surrounded by the tempest of the ocean of their lives, these joyous moments, which have now become past happenings for them, keep them cheerful and let them go forward.
On the other hand, some moments are so bitter that we want it to throw away from our life. But moments are not some things, these are small time durations which are associated with feelings. Its not easy to throw them away. As I have told you life is a mixture of many types of moments. So we have to consider all the moments, including the bitter ones, as a part of our life.
Life is like a chain and moments are its part. So do not even try to throw away any moment from life, otherwise the continuous chain of life will be broken.
You can make your moments according to your wish also. Some people like to spend some moments in someones company or doing their favourite hobby or anything else. So go on and make the upcoming moments your...
Moments are very important to don't miss it even for a moment.